Saturday, February 2, 2013

Week #4 Date

This one's a little short, but the date itself was pretty simple. I have a little bit more to say about the situation I've gotten into, and since I'm putting this part of my life out there, I realize I'm inviting criticism and feedback, so please don't hold back! Here we go...

On my bonus Week #3 date, I ran into someone with whom I went to high school (I'll call him "Actor"). That night, he said he was starring in a play, and he invited me to it. Turns out my week #3 bonus date (We'll call him "Stretch") was actually working at the same play. He got me a ticket, but I sat in the booth in the back with him rather than in my seat. We felt like Statler and Waldorf. The play was good, and afterward they served drinks and food since it was opening night. Talked to Actor, we ended up all going to a bar downtown. It was awkward, to say the least. I'm not sure how it even happened, but it was like I was on a date with both of them. Actor  asked if I'd like to hang out some time, I said sure. So.... Week #5 date is supposed to be with Actor tonight, and I'm seeing Stretch again tomorrow night. I really like Stretch, but dang, I've had a bit of a crush on Actor for a few years now.  Advice? Suggestions? Just wait and see?


Salty Crow said...

It could make it interesting that they are both aware of each other. I think right now it sounds like a good wait and see scenario. At the very least its already better than The Bachelor.

Annie said...

Lol. I don't watch The Batchelor! And yeah, apparently their being aware of each other isn't as cool as I thought, since Actor is being a little possessive about it.